0°C D. Then add 32 to the value to get the final Fahrenheit temperature. What's the new volume of the gas? (Assume that there's no change in temperature. The freezing point of water is 0 degrees Celsius or 32 degrees Fahrenheit. 0°C C. 9563|. Updated 5/23/2021 4:13:58 PM. Score 1 User: The process by. questions answered. Plug °C into the formula and solve for F. 5°C Weegy: 41 degrees F is 5 degrees C. The result of applying either of these two equations will be the same. Log in for more information. Add 460. 10°C Weegy: 32 degrees Fahrenheit is 0 degrees Celsius. The kelvin (and thus Celsius) is defined based on the Boltzmann constant, k, which equals 1. Question. In order to convert the °F to °C following equation is used. 9258 User: What's the. 10 degrees Celsius B. He bought 720 individual gloves. Kelvin d. Goal: Convert 32 degrees Celsius to degrees Fahrenheit. 8 (or 9/5) and add 32. weegy. You can also use a basic conversion chart for a quick reference. Updated 11/10/2014 10:16:55 PM. didn't expand federal power enough. 67 (degree)°F respectively. Updated 3/10/2014 9:49:24 AM. What is the temperature 32 degrees Fahrenheit in degrees Celsius? A. Score . 20°C C. If the temperature is 50. Asked 12/9/2021 8:23:56 PM. 45° F to –10° F b. 0. 00023635 meterA. Money left = 20 -. 67) / 1. –10 degrees Celsius B. Asked 2/5/2015 7:21:37 AM. In total, the 5 employees work 31 hours 1/3 minutes per day. Weegy: The temperature 288 K converted to degrees Celsius is 15°C. |Score 1|sujaysen|Points 25782| User: Convert 32 degrees Fahrenheit to Celsius Weegy: 86 degrees Fahrenheit = 30 degrees Celsius Score . 20 degrees Celsius. User: What is the temperature 32 degrees Fahrenheit in degrees Celsius?A. Log in for more information. Formula for converting Fahrenheit scale to Celsius scale. The Kelvin temperature scale (note that the name of the scale capitalizes the word Kelvin, but the unit itself is lowercase) uses degrees that are the same size as the Celsius degree, but the numerical scale is shifted up by 273. As a side note: the unit of temperature Fahrenheit is named after the German physicist Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit. 0°C B. User: which of the following is an example of chemical energy being converted into another form Weegy: A storage battery is charged using an electric current is an example of electrical energy being converted to chemical energy. Log in for more information. One reason to build your. Added 6/1/2019 11:52:03 PM. This calculator will show the steps to solve the °F to °C formula so you know how make the conversion yourself. Step 2: Now multiply the difference value obtained in step 1 by 5. User: What's the temperature 32° F in degrees Celsius Weegy: 32 degrees Fahrenheit is 0 degrees Celsius. Added 3/29/2022 7:58:31 PM. WINDOWPANE is the live-streaming app for sharing your life as it happens, without filters, editing, or anything fake. 10°C Weegy: 32 degrees Fahrenheit is 0 degrees Celsius. 20°c c. 10 C B. 99, and a bag of chips for $3. 8 times larger than one degree Fahrenheit. 5°C Weegy: 41 degrees F is 5. Kelvin d. 10°C D. 104°F D. Temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy of the particles in a substance, and it is typically measured in degrees Celsius (°C), Fahrenheit (°F), or Kelvin (K). 7-25: Chicago-31. What is the temperature 32 degrees Fahrenheit in degrees Celsius? A. –10°C D. 4a = 4*6 =24 inches. Mine worked perfectly! /* Two common temperature scales are Fahrenheit and Celsius. 8 + 32; f °F to k K: k = f. There are three commonly used measurements of temperature: the degree Celsius (°C), degree Fahrenheit (°F), and the kelvin (K). 24. |Score 1|soumen314|Points 21299| User: Which prefix means 1/10 of a unit in the metric system Weegy: Deci means 1/10 of a unit in the metric system. Site Map. 20°C B. Asked 5/19/2021 3:51:29 PM. 333333333~~93. –10°C C. 50 °F = 18 × 5/9. 40°C= 104°F. He then added 273 to the measured value. What is 50 Fahrenheit in Celsius? How warm is 50 degrees Fahrenheit? Translate 50° from F to C. Log in for more information. User: How di the institution of slavery change over the course of the triangle trade and colonialism Weegy: Enslavement became a permanent status that people were born into. A. Use the formula °F = °C * 9/5 + 32 to convert C to F. 0. Question|Asked by Bonald1997. 20 degrees Celsius B. What is 32 Fahrenheit in Celsius? How cold is 32 degrees Fahrenheit? Translate 32° from F to C. |Score 1|Jay901|Points 8341| User: What’s the conversion factor used to convert miles to yards Weegy: The conversion factor used to convert miles to yards is 1 mile = 1,760 yards. Expert answered|Score . 8 = Celsius temp. 0. Weegy: Larger human populations, was a direct outcome of a group of people settling down to agriculture. 24°F B. Answer: 30 degrees Celsius. 37,595,372. D. The F to C formula is (F − 32) × 5/9 = C. 32 F in C = 0 degrees Celsius. B. A. User: Convert 86 degrees Fahrenheit to degrees Celsius. For one month Siera calculated her home town s average high temperature in degrees Fahrenheit. Question. 8+32; 25*1. Converting Fahrenheit to Celsius is simple when you know the conversion formulas. 8. 20 degrees Celsius C. Score . Weegy: 30 degrees Celsius is 86 in degrees Fahrenheit. Weegy: If a sports shop sold 1,500 dozen golf balls last week, 18,000 individual golf balls does the shop sell. 91. Monthly payment = 15 *12 = 180. 5 °F = 1. The resulting value will be the equivalent temperature in Kelvin. Search for an answer or ask Weegy. 2 Answers/Comments. Expert Answered. 12 C. heat. 15 °C-459. Expert answered|Score . 85 Celsius. Score . FROM THE CREATORS OF. (12+5) * 2 = 17*2 = 34 (m) Score 1 User: 41 degrees Fahrenheit how many degrees Celsius Weegy: 41 Fahrenheit is 5C degrees. A. It's important to know that for every Celsius degree, there are 1. Convert the temperature 288 K to degrees Celsius. C = (5/9)*(F - 32) Meaning to convert from one scale to another you would: Celsius to Fahrenheit: Multiply by 9, divide by 5, and then add 32 Fahrenheit to Celsius: Subtract 32, then multiply by 5, then divide by 9 Interesting fact: The Fahrenheit scale and the Celsius scale are the same at -40 degrees. 20 degrees Celsius C. 0. The general equation to convert F to C is to subtract F by 32 and then divide by 1. The Celsius scale (symbolized by °C and spoken as “degrees Celsius”) is a temperature scale where 0°C is the freezing point of water and 100°C is the boiling point of water; the scale is divided into 100 divisions between these two landmarks and extended higher and lower. Step 3: The last step is to divide the value obtained in step 2 by 9. 314 J B. Weegy: The perimeter of a square with a side measurement of 6 in. Examples: 50 degrees Fahrenheit = 10 degrees Celsius, 100 degrees Fahrenheit =. Expert answered|Score 1| lisawelch |Points 8525| User: Convert 32 degrees Fahrenheit to Celsius. 77778 degrees Celsius: 0 °F = -17. This is because when converting from Fahrenheit to Celsius, one must subtract 32 and divide by 1. Step 4:- 15 celsius. How to convert 32 Fahrenheit to Celsius. The result will be shown immediately. Conclusion. One degree Celsius is 1. -10°C O B. 966 User: 50 JK of work was performed in 20 seconds. Log in for more information. 0 degrees Celsius 32 degrees Fahrenheit is equivalent to: 0 degrees Celsius. 22222 = C. novels. 3198 m3Absolute zero occurs at a temperature of $-273. 3. 99. Then divide the number by 9, and then multiply it by 5. After sprinting during a hunt, its body temperature increased 1. What is the temperature 32 degrees Fahrenheit in degrees Celsius? A. Updated 252 days ago|3/4/2023 2:27:25 PM. |Score 1|Danzy4|Points 2| User: whats the sum of 5 feet 9 inches and 12 feet 3. 5556. 0°C C. The math formula behind the temperature conversion from degree Fahrenheit to Celsius in C is Celsius = (5 / 9) * (Fahrenheit – 32). Weegy: The temperature 288 K converted to degrees Celsius is 15°C. 9018. 1,500?12=18,000 individual golf balls User: Walt is mixing fruit punch for a party. [4] You may also use the equation °C = (°F - 32) ÷ 1. 748 C. 5556, you do get slightly different. What is the temperature 32 degrees Fahrenheit in degrees Celsius? A. 7 °C. 60°C D. 0 degrees Celsius B. –10°C C. Score . The temperature 32 °F in degrees Celsius is 0°C. turbojets are not dependent on oxygen from the air. 48 C D. On this scale, 0° is freezing, 100° is boiling. 16 hp is required to. Added 2/15/2019 3:54:31 AM. What is the temperature 32 degrees Fahrenheit in degrees Celsius? A. Convert the following Fahrenheit degrees to Celsius. User: 30 degrees Celsius is what in degrees Fahrenheit Weegy: 30 degrees Celsius is 86 in degrees Fahrenheit. Question. motion. motion. What's the temperature 32 degrees Fahrenheit in degrees Celsius? A. |Score 1|sujaysen|Points. 8. 0°C C. 35 °F in °C = 1. 0°C D. 2 Btu D. On this scale, the freezing point of water is 0°C and. 55° C. a. –10 degrees Celsius D. Convert the following Fahrenheit degrees to Celsius. User: Convert 86 degrees Fahrenheit to degrees celsius Weegy: 86 degrees Fahrenheit converted to degrees Celsius is 30. 5556 = 26. 10 degrees Celsius D. 8+32; 25*1. 0 Answers/Comments. 9655 User: What's the temperature 32 degrees Fahrenheit in degrees Celsius? O A. 0 energy points. 8044 User: Convert the temperature 288 K to. Fahrenheit: 32°F freeze point, 212°F boiling point. User: 1713 hours is the same as which of the following times? Weegy: 1713 hours is the same as 5:13 p. Absolute zero on the Celsius and Fahrenheit scales are −273. 9277|sujaysen|Points 24182| User: How many pints are in 6 gallons? Weegy: There are 8 pints in a gallon, therefore 8 gallons is equal to 8 x 8 = 64 pints. 748°C. Step 1:- ºF = (°C x 9 / 5) + 32. The temperature in degrees Fahrenheit is equal to the temperature in degrees Celsius times 9/5, plus 32. Question. a) Use function notation to write an equation for this rule. Convert 86 degrees Fahrenheit to degrees Celsius. rocket engines are not dependent on oxygen from the air. Weegy: A rectangle with length 12 m and width 5 m. Which conversion is Juan most likely doing? degrees Celsius to degrees Fahrenheit degrees Celsius to kelvins kelvins to degrees Celsius degrees Fahrenheit to degrees Celsius Definition of Fahrenheit and Celsius . 32 °F = 0°C. User: In each of the following pairs, determine the temperature change, and whether the temperature increased or decreased. 5 degrees Celsius is equal to 70. 30°C C. ro|Points 19388| User: 0145 military time is what in regular timeWeegy: If a thermometer indicates 30 degrees Celsius, the temperature in Fahrenheit is 86 degrees. 0 Answers/Comments. absolute zero. |Score 1|sujaysen. 20 degrees Celsius weegy; Answer; Search; More; Help; Account; Feed. 10°C D. -78 C c)Twenty-five degrees Celsius . 10° C d. Log in for more information. 137° C to 0° C e. Updated 3/10/2014 9:49:24 AM. Furthermore, you can switch either of the temperature units to convert into kelvins. 15 C B. – 32) ÷ 1. For example, let's convert 50 °F to °C: 50 °F = (50 - 32) × 5/9. You see in Fahrenheit, water freezes at 32 degrees Fahrenheit, and water boils at 212 degrees Fahrenheit. Score . Added 2/27/2018 10:23:30 PM. 7 BtuWeegy: 32 degrees Fahrenheit = 0 degrees Celsius Question. 3333. Fahrenheit Conversions. After successfuly calculating it the result should for 32 degrees Celsius to degrees Fahrenheit should be 89. How much power was used to perform this task?What is the temperature 32 degrees Fahrenheit in degrees Celsius? A. Subtract 32 from 100 to get 68. 3 K to degrees Fahrenheit;A. The Celsius and Kelvin scales are precisely related, with a one-degree change in Celsius being equal to a one degree-change in kelvin. Multiply this number by five. The interface should have labeled entry fields for these two values. The Fahrenheit scale is used in the U. 8: Fahrenheit: Rankine °Ra = °F + 459. To solve (32 − 32) × 5/9, we first subtract 32 from 32, then we multiply the difference by 5, and then finally we. C. If a thermometer indicates 30 degrees Celsius, what's the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit? A. 22° Celsius. –10°C B. Expert answered|capslock|Points 11915| Log in for more information. Question and answer. Example: (30°C x 1. 4,187,000 J C. The formula for converting a temperature in degrees Celsius into degrees Fahrenheit is. ** The freezing point of water is 32° F, and 0° C. 1 in. 20°C D. questions answered. Expert answered|Score 1|soumen314|Points 4751| User: Which prefix means 1/10 of a unit in the metric system? Weegy: A prefix is an affix which is placed before the stem of a word. Asked 308 days ago|12/2/2022 4:22:32 PM. 37. Answer: -13 degrees Fahrenheit is -25 degrees Celsius OR -13° F = -25° C. C Program to Convert Fahrenheit to CelsiusWhat is the temperature 32 degrees Fahrenheit in degrees celsius? Solution: Fahrenheit and Celcius are two different units to measure temperature. 500° C c. 0 Answers/Comments. The F to C formula is (F − 32) × 5/9 = C. 0°C Weegy: Score . 93 money does she have left . Which process can you blame if you burn your finger on a metal utensil sitting in a pot of extremely hot water?. In result we'll receive estimated value: 270 °F. This step is necessary because the Kelvin scale is based on the Celsius scale. Water freezes at 32 degrees on: Fahrenheit. A. Firstly, Subtract 32 from 32 Fahrenheit, multiply the result by 5, and divide by 9 to get the final answer. 137° C to 0° C e. 25 C d)One hundred ninety-nine degrees Fahrenheit. D. What is the temperature 32 degrees Fahrenheit in degrees Celsius? A. example. –10 degrees Celsius B. The temperature 288 K converted to degrees Celsius is 15 C. 0 degrees Celsius C. Expert answered|Score . 6 f. 9018. 8. Step 2:- ºF = (15 x 1. Fahrenheit to Celsius: (32°F - 32) × 5/9 = 0°C User: Convert 86 degrees Fahrenheit to degrees Celsius. turbojets are not dependent on oxygen from the air. 15 (degree)C and −459. User: What is the temperature 32 degrees Fahrenheit in degrees Celsius Weegy: 32F = 0C (32 F - 32) x 5/9 = 0 |Score 1|Masamune|Points 91354| User: Which is the more reasonable temperature for a snowy day: 30° C or 30° F? Weegy: 30 degrees Fahrenheit is the more reasonable temperature for a snowy day. Temperatures on the Celsius and Fahrenheit scales are related by the function C = 5(F – 32)/9, where C is the temperature in degrees Celsius and F is the temperature in Fahrenheit. –10°C D. Search for an answer or ask Weegy. Fahrenheit is a temperature scale and degrees Fahrenheit are units of temperature on that scale. In 1948, the 9th CGPM and the CIPM formally adopted "degree Celsius". Updated 5/23/2021 4:13:58 PM. Log in for more information. 77778 °C. Question. Next, add 273. Updated 4/7/2020 3:14:27 AM. When attempting to convert temperatures from Celsius to Fahrenheit, you have two options for formulas to use: °F = (°C x 1. Score . Fahrenheit to Celsius Calculator. 131° F d. Its perimeter is 34 m. SolutionWeegy: Heat from burning fuel warms the walls of the firebox section of the furnace in a hot-air heating system. 364. nonfiction. 32 degrees Fahrenheit is 0 degrees Celsius. 20°C B. The formula for going from Celsius to Fahrenheit is 36. 8; c °C to f °F: f = c × 1. –10°C B. 0. 86 degrees Fahrenheit to degrees Celsius is: 30°C. didn't have a bill of rights that would guarantee basic freedoms. Celsius (°C) Fahrenheit (°F)-273. 125 meter long is subjected to a temperature change from 200°C to 100°C. 9277|sujaysen|Points 24182| User: How many pints are in 6 gallons? Weegy: There are 8 pints in a gallon, therefore 8 gallons is equal to 8 x 8 = 64 pints. 4°C. 77778 °C. User: If military time is 0145, what time is it on a regular clock?Weegy: If military time is 0145, it is 1:45 am a regular clock. Using 30°C: (30 x 1. Question. B. The temperature 288 K converted to degrees Celsius is 15 C. 91. 0 degrees Celsius is equal to 32 degrees Fahrenheit: 0 °C = 32 °F. Normal body temperature is considered to be 98. –10 degrees Celsius B. 8441. Weegy: 86 degrees Fahrenheit converted to degrees Celsius is 30. 8 (or 9/5) For example, to convert 75 degrees Fahrenheit to Celsius (centigrade), we plug our numbers into the formula as shown below: °C. Degree Celsius is represented as °C. 0 C C. Log in for more information. 0 degrees Celsius C. 32:47 AM. To convert 200 degrees Fahrenheit to Celsius, all one needs is to put in the values in the converter equation-°C = (°F − 32) x 5/9. 9°C B. Expert answered|Score . What does C(F) represent? the temperature of F degrees Fahrenheit converted to degrees Celsius the. Get answers from Weegy and a team of really smart live experts. Hi Avery, The significance of the number 32 in the Celsius to Fahrenheit conversion formula is that it represents the offset between the two temperature scales. FROM THE CREATORS OF. 5556 = 10°C;. Tags Temperature. Step 1: First subtract 32 from the given Fahrenheit temperature. Score 1 User: Alex measured the. Therefore, it implies that the 70 degrees Fahrenheit is equivalent to 21. Original conversation. Convert the temperature 288 k to degrees Celsius. Score . User: Convert 32 degrees Fahrenheit to Celsius Weegy: 86 degrees Fahrenheit = 30 degrees Celsius Score . 0 Answers/Comments. Question. What's the temperature 32 degrees Fahrenheit in degrees Celsius. Asked 8/1/2018 7:51:57 PM. 240 / 9 = 26. User: A 7. 32 degrees Fahrenheit is 0 degrees Celsius. Answer: 30 degrees Celsius. User: If a thermometer indicates 40 degrees Celsius, what's the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit? A. User: in the problem 10-4=6 what the correct term for the number 4 Weegy: In the problem 10-4=6, number 4 is the subtrahend. Updated 3/10/2014 9:49:24 AM. Answer: 30 degrees Celsius. 24°F Weegy: If a thermometer indicates 30 degrees Celsius, 86 F is the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit. 6 degree Fahrenheit. Temperature: Temperature can be defined as the manifestation of thermal energy inside the matter. Expert answered|Score . Normal body temperature is considered to be 98. 6. Approximately 1. The degree Celsius is the unit used most commonly around the world for everyday measurements of temperature, such as how cold or hot it is outside. WINDOWPANE is the live-streaming app for sharing your life as it happens, without. 352 Joules is done if the force used to drag the block is 22 N. Asked 12/1/2020 5:04:01 PM. 20°C O B. 15 C B.